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on the Farm

In addition to our animals, Bushel and a Peck Hatchery is committed

to responsible Earth stewardship and improving our land and practices.

On our farm, we use compostable materials in our coops and add the compost we produce to our gardens. We range our birds in areas where they have access to fruit trees, berry brambles, and a host of other natural and sustainably grown food sources in addition to their carefully formulated and balanced feed. Furthermore, we do not stimulate year-round laying with the use of supplemental lighting or heating in our buildings; we feel that honoring their natural rhythms and need for periods of rest is kind to both the birds and to the environment.

In addition to these sustainable farm practices, we participate in a number of programs in keeping with our many environmental goals. We manage an official Monarch Waystation, maintain a wildlife habitat that has been certified by the National Wildlife Federation, and participate in the National Audubon Society's Plants For Birds program.     

Our involvement with these organizations and projects has mainly taken the shape of habitat restoration. We have worked tirelessly (and continue to do so!) to eradicate invasive plants on our property, plant native prairie plants, maintain natural woods, soft landings, thickets, and so much more! We continue to see and feel the rewards of these efforts in the way of butterfly visitors, native bumblebees, and a plentiful bird population to name just a few things.

Our goal for 2023 is to plant with intention and consideration for pollinators and participate in the Xerces Society's Pollinator Conservation program. So when you can't find us outside with the chickens, just check the prairie! :)         

Images by Andrea Hinkemeyer Copyright-free

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